Fallout New Vegas All Locations Map
Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are both built on the Gamebryo engine, which means they share a lot of DNA. One of those shared elements is console commands, of which you can find a huge list of just below. If you’re looking to make some instant changes to your Fallout game, or perhaps – gasp – cheat, then these are the commands you need. The wasteland’s a harsh place, so we don’t blame you for trying to make things easier on yourself.
Those of us braving the Mojave know it’s better when you’re not doing it alone. Follow the Fallout New Vegas companion list and locations guide to make your travels a little more enjoyable. It is also a trophy/achievement to get them all. This page lists all locations in Fallout: New Vegas. The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles. For locations in other Fallout games, please see 'Location'. For an overview of Fallout: New Vegas content, please refer to 'Portal:Fallout: New Vegas'.
How do you enter Fallout commands?
To enter commands into Fallout 3 or Fallout: New Vegas, you’ll need to open the developer console. To do this, tap the ‘tilde’ key (~), which can be found under the ESC key on American English keyboards. If you have a UK English keyboard, then you’ll need the ‘grave’ key (`), which can be found in the same spot.
Pressing the console key will pause the game, remove the HUD, and give a text prompt ( ) in the lower left corner of the screen. Simply type in a command and press enter for the effect to take place. When typing commands, replace any text surrounded by <> brackets with the required information, and do not type the brackets. Replace # with numerical values.
Fallout Cheat Commands
All Pip-Boy Markers
tmm 1
Activates all Pip-Boy markers on the map, making them visible and fast-travel locations.
Toggle Fog of War
Toggles on/off fog of war on the Pip-Boy map.
God Mode
Toggles on/off god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, provides unlimited ammo, carrying capacity and AP. Items do not degrade.
Demi-God Mode (New Vegas only)
Toggles on/off demi-god mode, which makes the player invincible to all damage, but does not provide unlimited ammo or any other benefits.
Kill All NPCs
Kills all NPCs and creatures in the area.
coc <cell edid>
Teleports the player to a specific cell location.
Fallout Camera Commands
Free Camera
Toggle on/off the free camera, allowing you to move the camera anywhere you please. Use tfc 1 to pause the game too.
Free Camera Movement Speed
sucsm <#>
Changes the speed for the free camera. Replace <#> with 1 for a slow camera, and up to 10 for a fast camera.
Remove HUD
Toggle on/off menus and HUD.
Field of View
fov <#>
Adjusts the field of view. Default is 75, Narrow is around 40, and wide is around 90. Set the value to your own preference.
Toggle Lightbrite
Toggle on/off lightbrite mode, which increases lighting in dark areas.
Fallout Inventory Commands
Add Item to Inventory
player.additem <base_id> <amount>
Adds an item to your inventory. Items will be at ‘full health’ and undamaged.
Remove Item from Inventory
player.removeitem <base_id> <amount>
Removes an item from your inventory.
Repair Menu
Opens the Repair Menu, which allows the player to use their Repair skill to fix items. The menu works like a merchant repair trade, but payment will be given back to the player.
Show Inventory IDs
Lists the player’s inventory with item IDs.
Equip Item from Inventory
player.equipitem <object_id>
Equips an item from your inventory.
Change Weapon Health
player.setweaponhealthperc <#>
Changes the health of your currently held weapon. Replace # with a number between 1-100.
Fallout NPC Commands
For almost all NPC commands, the NPC must be targeted before typing the command. Issuing a command without a target will simply result in nothing.
Set Target
prid <ref_id>
The same as left-clicking on a target, but useful if you cannot see the target. Most NPC commands will require a target.
Teleport to NPC
player.moveto <ref_id>
Moves you across the map to an NPC.
Teleport NPC
moveto player
Moves an NPC to your character.
Add/Remove NPC Inventory Item
additem <base_id>, removeitem <base_id>
Adds or removes an item from an NPC’s inventory.
Equip NPC
equipitem <base_id>, unequipitem <base_id>
Equip or unequip an item to an NPC.
Display NPC Inventory
Shows every item in an NPC’s inventory, including hidden items.
Barter Menu
Shows the barter menu, for use with NPC traders.
Restore NPC Health
Brings an NPC back to full health.
Kill NPC
Makes an NPC die.
Revive NPC
Brings an NPC back from the dead. (Will also reroll their inventory, so previously owned items may disappear.)
Toggle Combat AI
Toggles on/off combat artificial intelligence, so NPCs are unable to fight.
Toggle AI
Toggles on/off all artificial intelligence, so NPCs are unable to do anything.
Set NPC Faction
setally <factionID1> <factionID2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional)
Allies an NPC to a specific faction. <0> sets as an ally, <1> sets as a friend.
Set Faction as Enemy
setenemy <factionID1> <factionID2> (0/1 optional) (0/1 optional)
Sets a faction as an enemy with another faction. <0> sets an enemy, <1> sets as neutral.
Make NPC Immortal
setessential <base_id> <#>
Makes an NPC unable to die. <1> sets NPC as immortal, <0> sets NPC as mortal.
Remove/Restore NPC
disable, enable
Disable removes the NPC from the game, enable makes the NPC reappear.
Start Combat
Starts combat with an NPC. Use command “stopcombat” to end combat, although NPC will remain hostile.
Stop NPC Hostility
setav aggression 0
Stops an NPC from being hostile towards you.
Add NPC Script
addscriptpackage <base_id>
Adds a script to the targeted NPC. Como converter de raw para jpg. For example, use id “4083b” to make an NPC follow you.
Clone an NPC
player.placeleveledactoratme <base_id>
Creates a clone of an NPC and places it by the player character.
Reset Companion Quest
resetquest <quest_id>
Reset a companion’s hire quest.
Fallout Stat Commands
Damage Stat
player.damageactorvalue <variable> <#>
Reduces a stat by a numerical value. The most typical stat variable would be ‘health’.
Set Scale
player.setscale <#.#>
Set player scale. The higher the scale, the faster and stronger you become. 1.0 is default. 0.95 is smaller, 1.1 is bigger.
Actor Values
player.getav <variable>
Provides a read-out of an NPC’s stat value. Example variables are karma and intelligence.
Set NPC Stats
player.setav <variable> <#>
Set an NPC actor’s stats to a specific numerical value.
Adjust a NPC value
player.modav <variable> <#>
Adjusts an NPC actor’s stats, up to but not exceeding the normal max values. Negative numbers lower the stat. The value you assign to # will be in addition to what the value currently is, rather than replacing the whole stat value.
Add a Perk
player.addperk <variable>
Adds a perk or a trait to your character.
Remove Perk
player.removeperk <variable>
Removes a perk or trait from your character.
Change Sex
Changes your player character gender.
Change Name
Opens a menu to allow player character name changes.
Change Race/Face
Opens a menu that will allow you to change your character’s face. Changing your face will disable perks, so they must be removed and added again manually.
Change Traits
Opens a menu to change player traits.
Change Hair
Opens a menu to change player hairstyle.
Change Facial Features
Opens a menu to change player appearance.
Level Up
Advances your character by one XP level.
Change Level
player.setlevel <#>
Set the overall level of your character.
Set Age
player.agerace <#>
Sets the age generation of your character. Replace # with -1 for child, 1 for adult, 2 for elderly person.
Grant XP
player.rewardxp <#>
Adds a specified amount of XP to the player character.
Grant Karma
player.rewardKarma <#>
Adds a specified amount of Karma to the player character.
Set Setting
setgs <string>
Sets a specific game setting, such as max level cap, or damage resistance. Setting reset each time the game is started, so need re-applying each session. Replace <string> with a setting, such as “iMaxCharacterLevel <#>”.
Fallout Item and World Commands
Delete Object
Deletes the targeted item.
Set Item Scale
setScale <#>
Sets the scale of an item in the game world.
Show Item Scale
Shows a read-out of the targeted item’s scale.
Unlocks a locked safe, door, or container. The effect can be reversed with “lock”, which can also be modified by adding a numerical value equal to the required lockpick skill. A setting of “lock 255” will be unpickable and require a key.
Activate an Item
Activates a targeted item without having to locate its switch.

Delete Item
Deletes an item from the game world.
Get Items
player.placeatme <base_id> <stack amoun #t> <quality #>
Places an item next to the player, of specified amount and quality.
Move to Item
player.moveto <ref_id>
Move to a nearby item.
Show Crafting Menu (New Vegas only)
showrecipemenu <category>
Opens the crafting menu. Use one of the following categories: “0013b2c1” for Workbench, “0013e11a” for Reloading Bench, “0013b2c0” for Campfire, and “xx0103a0” for Vending Machine.
Set Timescale
set timescale to <#>
Sets how fast time progresses in game. A setting of 1 is real time, with 1 second in-game being 1 second in real time. The default setting is 30.
Set Game Hour
set gamehour to <time>
Sets the game hour to the specified time, and will be applied when the game is unpaused.
Fallout Quest Commands
Move to Quest Target
Moves player character to the quest target location.
Show Quest Log
Display a log of everything the player has encountered and completed in the game.
Quest Check
getqc <base id>
Checks if the current quest is complete. A result of “1” means complete, “0” means uncomplete.
Quest Reset
resetquest <base id>
Resets progress on the specified quest.
List all Objectives
sqs <base id>
Displays a list of all quest objective stages.
Get Objective
getstage <base id>
Gets the objective level of a quest.
Set Quest Objective Level
setstage <base id> <Quest Objective>
Sets a quest to a specified objective, which can be used to drop back by an objective if bugs arise.
Complete all Objectives
CompleteAllObjectives <base id>
Sets all objectives of the specified quest to ‘complete’.
List Targets
Displays a list of all the current quest targets.
Start All Quests
Starts all quests.
Fallout Game Commands
Fallout New Vegas All Locations Map
Save Game
save <save name>
Saves the game using the specified description.
Load Game
load <save name>
Loads the game file with the specified description.
Quit Game
Quits the game without using menus.
Fallout: New Vegas Reputation Commands
Add Reputation
addreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Increases your reputation with a specified fraction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 100 is the highest value that can be attained.
Remove Reputation
removereputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Removes reputation with a specified faction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 0 is the lowest value that can be attained.
Set Reputation
setreputation <base_id> <variable> <amount>
Sets your reputation with a specified faction to a specific level.
Increases your reputation with a specified fraction. Replace “variable” with “0” for infamy reputation, or “1” for fame. 100 is the highest value that can be attained.
Remove from all Factions
Removes you from all factions. This will remove you from “player” faction, which can cause issues. Re-add yourself back to “player” faction with the command “player.AddToFaction 0001b2a4 1”
Set Faction Allied Status
setally <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2>
Sets two factions’ status with each other. Variable can either be “0” for friendly, or “1” for allied.
Set Faction Enemy Status
setenemy <base_id_1> <base_id_2> <variable_1> <variable_2>
Sets two factions’ status with each other. Variable can either be “0” for enemy, or “1” for neutral.
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- Fallout 3 System Requirements
Fallout New Vegas Unique Items Locations Guide (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
Our Fallout: New Vegas Unique Items locations guide will show you how to find all of them in the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC action-RPG.
There are a total of 95 Unique Items in Fallout: New Vegas for you to find and use. They range from weapons to clothing to recipes. You can use them for however you want to in your playthrough, you might want to sell them to gain caps or keep them for your own collection and use.
Table of Contents
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Index of Fallout New Vegas Guides:
- This Page: Unique Items Locations Guide
- New Page: Unique Weapons Locations Guide
- New Page: Snow Globes Locations Guide
- New Page: Companion Locations Guide
- New Page: Walkthrough
- New Page: Skill Books Locations Guide
- New Page: Hollowed-Out Rocks Locations Guide
- New Page: Vendor Locations Guide
- New Page: Codes & Tips
- New Page: Achievements & Trophies Guide
- New Page: Caravan Cards and Players Locations Guide
- New Page: Perks List
- New Page: Characters Overview
- New Page: Weapons List
There are only 11 Mini-Nuke’s to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Location: Quarry Junction
You will find it in the silt pool right next to the Fat Man underwater.
Location: Quarry Junction
You will find it with the eggs in the Deathclaw Nest.
Location: Vault 11
You will find it in the Living Quarters inside the locked storage room.
Location: Hidden Valley
You will find 2 of them in the north bunker entrance by the fallen concrete.
Location: Hidden Valley
You will find it in the south bunker entrance on the right side of the fallen concrete dead-end.
Location: Camp Searchlight
You will find 2 of them on the table with the Holy Frag Grenades in the basement of the east chapel.
Location: Nellis Hangars
You will find it in a small crate on the shelf with other ammo that is near the Munitions Manager.
Location: Nellis Array
You will find 2 of them in the large ammo storage that is next to the ramp on the lower interior floor.
Unique Armor Locations
There is are only 5 Pieces of Unique Armor to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Remnant’s Power Armor
Location: Deathclaw Promontory
You will find it on the corpse that is near another corpse that is surrounded by Deathclaws.
Name: Gannon Family Tesla Armor
Location: Remnants Bunker
This is a possible reward to choose from near the end of the Side Quest called “For Auld Lang Syne.”
Name: Caesar’s Armor
Location: The Fort
You will need to kill Caesar in order to obtain his armor. If you are siding with Caesar’s Legion then do not do this.
Name: Chinese Stealth Armor
Location: Hoover Dam
You will find this inside of the Hoover Dam Offices area inside the radioactive barrel storage.
Name: Van Graff Combat Armor
Location: Silver Rush
You will be rewarded this armor during the Side Quest called “Birds of a Feather.”
Nuka-Cola Victory
There are only 8 Nuka-Cola Victory’s to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Location: Nipton
You will find it inside of the Mayor’s Storage Room at the very top floor inside of the Town Hall.
Location: Nelson
You will find it inside of the northwest Nelson house.
Location: Atomic Wrangler
You will find it inside Francine’s Bedroom on the top floor.
Location: REPCONN Headquarters
You will find 2 of them inside of the locked gift shop storeroom.
Location: Vault 3
You will find it in the Recreation Area inside of the storage room.
Location: El Rey Motel
You will find it near the dead body inside the Upper Floor Room #1.
Location: Jacobstown
You will find it inside of Jacobstown Bungalow #1 that is located to the South.
Nuka-Cola Quartz
There are a total of 21 Nuka-Cola Quartz to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Location: Mojave Outpost
You will find 3 of them on the shelves in Lacey’s Bar in the Outpost Barracks.
Location: Camp Golf
You will find 5 of them at the House Resort inside of the mess hall.
Location: Boulder City
You will find 3 of them on the shelf inside of the Big Horn Saloon.
Location: The Tops Casino
You will find 5 of them on the kitchen shelves inside The Tops Restaurant.
Location: Zapp’s Neon Signs
You will find 2 of them inside the upstairs foreman’s office.
Location: REPCONN Headquarters
You will find 2 of them inside the locked gift shop storeroom.
Location: Violet and Violetta Trailer Compound
You will find this one on one of the shelves in the central fortification.
There are only a total of 5 Unique Schematics to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Powder Charge
Location: NCR Correctional Facility
You will find this inside the locked in Cell Block B in the prison cell area.
Name: .44 Magnum, Hand Load
Location: Jules of North Vegas Square
You will get this after completing the Free Quest called Meeting an Equal.
New Vegas Map All Locations
Name: Rock-It Launcher
Location: Nellis Hangars
You will find this on the storage shelves in the southwest hangar.
Name: Dog Tag Fist
Location: Guardian Peak
You will be rewarded this by Halford during the Free Quest called Help for Halford.
Name: Billboard
Location: Michael Angelo’s Workshop
You will find this in the north workshop but they will be unusable.
There are only 3 Unique Recipe’s to be found in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Rose’s Wasteland Omelet
Location: Sloan
You will be given this recipe as a reward after completing the Free Quest called “You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs.”
Name: Brahmin Wellington
Location: Ultra-Luxe Casino
You will find this recipe on the shelf in the kitchens where Philippe prepares his food.
Name: Cook-Cook’s Fiend Stew
Location: Cook-Cook’s Territory
You will find this recipe on a metal shelving unit inside the ruined camp.
Unique Outfit Locations
You will find 11 Unique Outfits in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Space Suit
Location: REPCONN Test Site
You will find this space suit inside the basement in the viewing chamber. You will also find it during one of the Main Quests early on in the game.
Name: Brotherhood Elder’s Robe
Location: Hidden Valley
You will need to kill Elder McNamara in order to gain his suit.
Name: Benny’s Suit
Location: The Tops Casino
You will need to kill Benny in order to get his suit. This will be an option during a Main Quest.
Name: Viva Las Vegas
Location: King’s School of Impersonation
You will need to kill the King to order to get his suit. You might want to wait till you have completed his Quests and his companion Rex before doing this.
Name: Naughty Nightwear
Location: Mick & Ralph’s
You will find this in Mick’s hidden cache of weapons and items to buy.
Name: Followers Lab Coat
Location: Old Mormon Fort
You will find this worn by Julie Farkas. You will need to kill her for it, however, you might want to complete her Quests before doing so.
Name: General Oliver’s Outfit
Location: Hoover Dam
You will find this worn by General Lee Oliver. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Regulator’s Duster
Location: Sunset Sarsaparilla
You will find this worn by the Lonesome Drifter. You will need to kill him for it, however, you might want to complete the Quest that deals with him first though.
Name: Ambassador Crocker’s Suit
Location: NCR Embassy
You will find this suit worn by Ambassador Dennis Crocker. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Bounty Hunter Duster
Location 1: Atomic Wrangler
You will find this worn by Caleb McCaffery. You will need to kill him for it, however, you might want to complete the Quests for him before doing so.
Location 2: The Thorn
You will find this worn by Red Lucy. You will need to kill her for it, however, you might want to complete the Quests for her before doing so.
Location 3: Old Mormon Fort
You will find this worn by Beatrix Russell. You will need to kill her for it.
Name: Explorer’s Gear
Location: Orion Moreno’s House
You will find this available for purchase from Orion Moreno south of Gun Runners.
Unique Clothing Locations
Name: General Oliver’s Cap
Location: Hoover Dam
You will find this worn by General Lee Oliver. You will need to kill him for it, just like this outfit.
Name: Jessup’s Bandana
Location: Boulder City
You will find this worn by Jessup. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Destroyed Collar
Location: Dead Man
You will find this collar on a dead man in Freeside near Mick & Ralph’s.
Name: Caleb McCaffery’s Hat
Location: Atomic Wrangler
You will find this worn by Caleb McCaffery. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Vance’s Lucky Hat
Location: Wins Hideout
You will find this worn by Sammy Win. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Vikki’s Bonnet
Location: Wins Hideout
You will find this worn by Pauline Win. You will need to kill her for it.
You will find 4 Unique Helmets in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Legate’s Helmet
Location: Legate’s Camp
You will find this worn by Legate Lanius. You will need to kill him for it. This will hurt your status with Caesar’s Legion.
Name: Papa Khan’s Helmet
Location: Red Rock Canyon
You will find this worn by Papa Khan. You will need to kill him for it.
Name: Gannon Family Tesla Helmet
Location: Remnants Bunker
You will be given this as a possible reward near the end of the Side Quest called “For Auld Lang Syne.”
Name: Remnant’s Power Helmet
Location: Silver Peak Mine
You will find this behind the gate on the upper ledge of the Mine Cavern.
There are a total of 10 Party Hat’s to be found in world of New Vegas.
Name: Party Hat
Location: REPCONN Test Site
You will find all 10 of them on a shelf inside of the top floor Research Labs storage room.
Unique Other Item Locations
You will find 6 Unique Items that do not fall into the categories above in the world of New Vegas.
Name: Rebreather
Location: Nellis Hangars
You will be given this during a Quest by Loyal, the Boomer.
Name: Adventurer’s Pack
Location: Nopah Cave
You will find this next to a skeleton inside the southwest cavern.
Name: Codac R9000
Location: Michael Angelo’s Workshop
You will be given this camera during the Side Quest called “Classic Inspiration.”
Name: Acoustic Guitar
Location: Sunset Sarsaparilla Billboard
You will find this guitar carried by the Lonesome Drifter. You can either steal it from him or kill him for it.
Name: Sheet Music Book
Location: Black Mountain
You will find this inside Tabitha’s broadcast building.
Name: NCR Emergency Radio
Location: Camp McCarran
You will likely be awarded this once you have your reputation with the NCR high.
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