Aplikasi Mixer Untuk Laptop


Music Mixer is a software for editing and audio processing. It is an indispensable tool to create easily your sounds and music on PC. For this, Music Mixer provides a mixer and many features such as editing files Wave (. Wav), playback of multiple files simultaneously, mixing multiple tracks into one and the recording of your own sounds.

  1. Aplikasi Mixing Di Laptop

Aplikasi Mixing Di Laptop

Tuesday, September 18, 20125comments

Apa kabar pengunjung setia blog saya? Lagi mencari softwareuntuk membuat kualitas suara speaker menjadilebih mantep, wah atau powerful?? Mungkin anda bisa mencoba software yang satuini, yakni Hear v1.0.1738 Full Serial. Ternyata lumayan mahal, kali ini akan saya bagikan gratis.....aseeekk :D
Hear Features :
Hear offers a wide array of settings that are quick easy tofind and will greatly improve the sound quality of your music, movies andgames.
- MIXER - allows you to adjust the sound volume for variousapplications, so you don’t have a loud mail sound while you are listening tomusic
- EQUALIZER - features the most advanced N-band equalizerwith built-in peak limiters. You can choose between slider or curve mode forfine-adjustments
Aplikasi play store untuk laptop
- GENERAL - adjust the general settings (bass, dewoofer,fidelity) and enable various effects
- 3D - expanding audio environment out of actual speakerpositions
- FX - is an aggressive type of surround sound remixing
- BW - meditate to your music...it’s a special feature thatcan help you relax after work, it does so by generating brain waves targeted atrelaxation
- MAXIMIZER - bringyour concert home...produces a more “live” feature to the music (bass isboomier and highs are crisper)
- AMBIENCE - allows you to add reverb effect to the output
- SPEAKER - widen the frequency range of your speaker system(or headphones) and corrects output phase
- SUB - expands bass frequencies like a real subwoofer does
- LIMITER - ceiling and threshold, control aspects of levelcompression
- SPACE - creates a virtual re-sounding frame behind thelistener’s position and bounces the sound around
- FIDELITY - restores the subtle nuances that are oftendamaged in the recording process
- Windows: 7, XP, or Vista

Bagi yang mau download seperti biasa silahkan daftar dulu di 4shared tenang saja gratis kog....

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Judul: Aplikasi Equalizer PC (Hear v1.0.1738 Full Serial)
Ditulis oleh Unknown
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
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