Polite Email Ettiquet Samples


The Business E-mail Etiquette Basics You Need to Know. Below are the key Business Email Etiquette issues that need to be considered with every commercial e-mail sent. These are the issues business owners, their employees and Netrepreneurs need to be aware of in their day-to-day online communications to ensure the best possible results. Email Etiquette (How to Write Formal/Professional E-Mails) 1. Always fill in the subject line with a topic that means something to your reader. Not 'Decals' or 'Important!' But 'Deadline for New Parking Decals.' Put your main point in the opening sentence. Most readers won't stick around for a surprise.

Limit attachments. Don't add an attachment unless really necessary. Keep attachments as small as possible. Most email applications can send and receive attachments up to 1 MB, but anything over that can be a hassle for you or the recipient, and even smaller files can take a long time to open if the recipient's email connection is slow. If you need to send a larger file, compress or zip it or use online services that will help you send large files such as YouSendIt.com. If you need to send multiple pages, such as meeting plans or large text corrections, send a fax or a typed set of pages in a letter.
  • Don't zip email attachments unless necessary. Unless an attachment is too large to send otherwise, you risk wasting your recipient's time and possibly hinder them from accessing your attachments. Many mobile devices are unable to uncompress zip files. Additionally it's redundant since many common files like .xlsx, .docx, .pptx (MS Excel, Word and Powerpoint) are already in a compressed format.
  • Keep in mind that many people or businesses will not open attachments from someone they don't know, and some email accounts are set up to automatically send emails with attachments to the spam folder, so if you're applying for a job, for example, make sure you follow the recipient's instructions regarding attachments. If no instructions are given, send another email to let the recipient know you'll be sending an email with an attachment.
Polite Email Ettiquet Samples

Sample Email Etiquette Policy

It is our etiquette which distinguishes us from animals. Etiquette helps us to stand apart from the crowd and leave an everlasting impression. Etiquette of an individual speaks a lot about his family background and upbringing.

It is essential for an individual to behave in a socially responsible way.

An individual must behave in an appropriate manner to find a place in the society. There are certain manners which are expected out of a professional. One needs to be mature and sensible enough for others to respect him. No one ever likes to speak to an individual who does not know how to behave sensibly.

Office Toilet Etiquette

Remember you are not the only person using the restroom at the workplace. There are other employees as well.

Polite Email Ettiquet Samples

Office Toilet Etiquette refers to set of rules an individual needs to follow while using the office restroom. It is essential to keep toilets clean and hygienic to avoid transmission of germs and infections. A dirty and unhygienic toilet is the breeding ground of several diseases.

Polite Email Etiquette Samples Sample

Let us go through some office toilet etiquette necessary for an individual to follow:

  • Never leave the restroom dirty. Smelly toilets are big turn offs.
  • Lock the door carefully when you are inside.
  • If someone is inside, don’t peep under the doors or knock endlessly. Wait for the other person to come out.
  • Female employees should avoid carrying their handbags inside the washroom. Do not carry expensive items to the restroom.
  • Make sure you do not wet the toilet seat. Do not throw water on the floor as someone might slip and get hurt.
  • Females should always sit on the toilet seat while peeing. Male employees should always stand a little close to the toilet seat to avoid dripping.
  • Never forget to use flush once you are done. Check the toilet seat for unwanted stains or substance. Do not hesitate to call the toilet attendant if the flush is not working.
  • Make it a point to wash your hand with an antiseptic soap or sanitizer every time you use the restroom. Use a tissue paper to wipe off hands.
  • Do not spit on walls. It is absolutely childish to write names or make designs on toilet walls.
  • Don’t take much time inside the restroom. One should avoid taking hand phones inside the washroom.
  • Make sure you do not throw anything in the commode. Tissue paper must be thrown inside the dustbin and not anywhere else. Sanitary napkins must be wrapped in polybags and disposed in dustbins.
  • Do not leave the restroom with taps on. It is important to conserve water.
  • One should not smoke inside the office toilet. It leads to suffocation.
  • Make sure you turn on the exhaust fan once you are inside the toilet. Do not forget to switch off the lights and exhaust fan when you leave the restroom.
  • Do not throw unwanted hair or soap wrappers in the washbasin. Keep the soap inside the soap case.
  • Ask the attendant to clean the toilet whenever it is dirty.

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Polite email etiquette samples sample

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The article is Written By “Prachi Juneja” and Reviewed By Management Study Guide Content Team. MSG Content Team comprises experienced Faculty Member, Professionals and Subject Matter Experts. We are a ISO 2001:2015 Certified Education Provider. To Know more, click on About Us. The use of this material is free for learning and education purpose. Please reference authorship of content used, including link(s) to ManagementStudyGuide.com and the content page url.

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