Microsoft Fixit For Ie 11


Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Service has released a Fix It solution to automatically diagnose & fix performance and security issues that may reduce safety in Internet Explorer or cause Internet Explorer to respond slowly or crash.

Uninstall IE: In the Control Panel, open the Programs and Features box, scroll down to IE11, and then click Uninstall. After the uninstall finishes, restart your computer. Run Windows Update, clicking Check for updates. Check the list for IE11. If it's included in the list of updates for download, exclude it before you update your computer.

Internet Explorer Troubleshooter Fix It

Microsoft Fix It Center Download

What it fixes:

Microsoft Fixit For Ie 11 Version

  • Defective Internet Explorer add-ons. Disables defective add-ons.
  • Phishing filter is turned off. Turns the phishing filter on.
  • Pop-up blocker is turned off. Turns the Pop-up blocker on to block pop-ups.
  • Security settings are not set to recommended settings. Resets security to recommended settings.
  • Internet Explore does not update cached pages or updates them inefficiently, causing launch to be slow. Resets the page sync policy to automatic.
  • Cache size is too small or too big, causing slow performance. Resets the cache size to be within 50-250 MB of the default range.
  • Concurrent server connections set too low or too high causing slow performance. Restore IE concurrent connection settings to defaults.
  • Pop-up blocker is turned off allowing pop screens. Turns the Pop Up Blocker on.
  • Resets Internet Explorer security settings to the default (recommended) levels.
  • Enable the Phishing Filter.
  • Enable Data Execution Prevention for Internet Explorer.

So if your Internet Explorer Freezes or Crashes frequently, simply click the Run Now button to launch the file and click the Continue / Allow button to let the troubleshooter fix the problem for you.

Details @ Microsoft. Do check if it applies toy your version of IE and Windows.

Fix Freezes or Crashes with these resources from TheWindowsClub:


Aplikasi mixer untuk laptop. Windows freezes Windows Explorer crashes Internet Explorer freezing Google Chrome Browser crashes Mozilla Firefox Browser freezing Windows Media Player freezes Computer hardware freezes. Need more? Try FixWin, the Windows Doctor!

TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically
Microsoft Fixit For Ie 11

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